Profile Field & Fairway permanently improves native soil root zones and helps turf withstand heavy traffic.
Field & Fairway is an inorganic ceramic particle incorporated into native soil root zones, or applied as topdressing. The material has 74% internal pore space, which helps to resist compaction, manage moisture, and facilitate healthy root systems that leave turf less prone to disease and other maintenance problems.
Incorporated during construction or applied as topdressing, Field & Fairway improves water- and nutrient-holding capabilities, increases oxygen levels at the root zone, and facilitates drainage when soils are saturated. Available in both Natural and Emerald colouring, Field & Fairway can provide a cosmetic benefit to the course through topdressing while improving turf health, reducing wear and speeding recovery.
Your total growth partner. In the ground, on the ground, by your side.
Profile Golf™ is the game’s premier provider of proven golf course product solutions that are scientifically formulated to establish, maintain and improve turfgrass and surrounding vegetation across every high-profile area of a golf course. Whether you’re embarking on an ambitious renovation, bold new construction or everyday maintenance, Profile Golf’s high-performance vegetative and erosion-control products, scientific soil amendments, and agronomic experts work to improve grow-in, optimize play, simplify upkeep and maximize a course’s aesthetic appeal. We are your start-to-finish golf course partner.
Centaur Asia Pacific is the distributor for Profile in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Malaysia.
Updated on: 13 September 2024