A balanced and versatile NPK fertilizer.
Triple Twelve plant food is a homogeneous pellet containing equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, plus sulfur and calcium. The potassium source is sulfate of potash for plants sensitive to chlorides. It can be used on turf, ornamentals, vegetable gardens for preplant or established plants where soils contain only marginal amounts of phosphorus and potassium.
All nutrients contained in a homogeneous pellet which prevents straking due to particle segregation
A uniform 1:1:1 ratio of N-P-K plus 12% sulfur
Contains phosphate and potash making this well-suited to pre-plant applications
BEST® manufactures and markets a wide variety of turf products including general turf fertilizers, controlled-release fertilizers, fertilizers for tees and greens, and herbicide combinations. Professional turf managers count on the consistent performance of BEST® fertilizers, from the uniform distribution of our homogeneous N-P-K pellets to the top controlled-release technologies like GAL-XeONE® and UMAXX®.
From the J. R. Simplot Company’s mines in Idaho and Wyoming, Simplot supplies more than three million tons of ore annually to its manufacturing complexes. By supplying its own raw materials, Simplot is able to produce a higher quality BEST® fertilizer for you.
Centaur Asia Pacific is the distributor for BEST range of products in Hong Kong and Macau.
Updated on: 6 June 2022
Total Nitrogen (N)...............................12.000%
Available Phosphate (P2O5)..............12.000%
Soluble Potash (K2O).........................12.000%
(SGN) 250
(% Slow Release N) 8.900%
PREPLANT: Broadcast 13 ½ lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. (590 lbs. per acre) cultivate into the top 4-6 inches of soil.
OVERSEEDING: Broadcast 7 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. (300 lbs. per acre).
GROUNDCOVER: Broadcast at 6 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
SHRUBS & EVERGREENS: Sprinkle ¼ cup evenly around dripline of plant and work into top 1 inch of soil.
CITRUS & AVOCADO TREES: Make 3 applications per year (Feb.-Mar., June-July, and Oct.-Nov.). Mature Trees: Apply 6 lbs. around the dripline of the tree. Younger Trees: 4-6’ high - 8 oz.; 2-4’ high - 2 oz.; Newly planted - 1 Tblsp